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Set-back… difficult week!

 Set-back: “An unanticipated or sudden check in progress; a change from better to worse,” says the online dictionary. I was not anticipating a set-back at this point of the game but all things considered, it all makes sense! Set-backs normally … Continue reading

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Conference for Women

 Wow, what an accomplishment today was for me! Two months after surgery I registered to the SkillPath Seminars “Conference for Women” thinking that at 4 months from surgery I would be back to active regular self. I am feeling pretty … Continue reading

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School started again this morning in Austin but school’s out for Larry… he’s on vacation all week! It’s nice to have my hubby home to spend some time together and he sure deserves some time off as he is very … Continue reading

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Yes, I’m paying for it!

Yesterday was a great day but also a BIG day and I’ve been paying for it. I was very sore when we got home and my legs were aching. Larry and I went for a walk which helped since I’d … Continue reading

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“Leos on Parade” – Out being social again!

I’m feeling great and I’m claiming my life back! Slowing down the drugs are making me more alert and wanting to have conversations; pretty much being a normal person again. I missed the last party because I wasn’t up to … Continue reading

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“Oh My God It’s Friday!” That always means a good day for me and a big weekend ahead. Somehow my Fridays are always busy and I usually feel good by the end of the week so I take advantage of … Continue reading

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Rest Day

I’m resting today from my hard work in the pool yesterday. Larry even took my car to go to work so that I wouldn’t be tempted to get out of the house, because running an errand always turns into 2 … Continue reading

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Back in the pool

Today I had lunch with my good friend Kate. What a trooper; she was waiting for me at a table while I was waiting for her in the lobby. We finally figured it out and you know what I’m going … Continue reading

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Nutritionist’s Tips

My dear mother in law Carole asked if I could share some of the tips from the Nutritionist at Well at Dell and I would love to: 1. DRUGS: When I asked her about what to eat when taking my … Continue reading

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Sick of being sick

I hate the drugs; they make me sick to my stomach! I stopped taking some of them during the day because I’d rather tolerate the pain than feeling nauseous. I still have to take my pain medication (Hydrocodone or Vicodin, Lorcet, … Continue reading

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