Yes, I’m paying for it!

Yesterday was a great day but also a BIG day and I’ve been paying for it. I was very sore when we got home and my legs were aching. Larry and I went for a walk which helped since I’d been sitting a lot between having dinner at the table and riding in the car. I should have rub my legs with my “miraculous Mary Kay mint relaxing lotion” but I was so tired that I didn’t even think about it, I just wanted to go to sleep. I had a rough night: lying in bed is painful, although it’s getting better, there are no comfortable position, it always hurts. Lying on my back is the best but the pressure on my lower back (in the surgery area L5-S1) eventually becomes unbearable so I end-up having to turn on my side. That is a pretty recent achievement for me; I started laying on my right side about a month ago and on my left side (which is the more sensitive side since my left leg was hurting for years from the sciatic nerve being pinched) only 2 weeks ago. It takes me a lot of efforts to turn; I have to position my body correctly, do the log roll, and pull on my headboard, all that while moaning and making ugly faces. Once there I’m good but I can’t stay on my side much more than 30 minutes before having to return on my back. I’ve also been putting a flat pillow under my feet as I was getting bed sores on my heels from lying on my back too many hours earlier on. I also found out that a pillow under the knees can bring relief when you have back pain but after the surgery, I realized that it was causing me to have spasms. I read online from other people who had have back surgery, that they were experiencing the same thing. Today I took it easy because I’m very stiff, so I went for my regular walks, and put ice for relief while having a nice phone chat with my 83 year old grandma Monique, and tonight I’m feeling good again… even stronger than last week!

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