The end of Roller Coasters

Knock on wood… I think that I may finally have made it to the plateau period or at least getting closer. How wonderful will it be to put behind me the roller coaster ups and downs of good days and bad days because it is exhausting both on the mind and body. I hope that I’m not jumping the gun but it’s looking real good as this week I am doing new exercises and I am not hurting as bad as the last couple of weeks. I still have a lot of improvement to make but it looks like the big pain might be over. My legs still get very sore and my body aches from working out in therapy but I know that it is a good healing pain and not like an injury. My knees still feel week and pop but again, it feels like the result of recovery. I rub my legs with relaxing mint lotion every night which is a great pain reliever. The weekend is usually a good test because I tend to do more so we’ll see how this coming one goes.

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