Floating in the pool

Floating was the plan but somehow my tough side took over and I decided to do some water exercises… why not! I’ve been working at jobs with such a fast pace for so long that I have a hard time letting myself relax at the pool on a Saturday afternoon and soak up the sun without feeling guilty. I’m seeing results with the physical therapy and Diana said yesterday that I’m progressing very well; so why lose any time and since I feel good why not work a little harder! After all Larry said that taking care of my back is my full time job and I’m a dedicated worker and no pain no gain, right? Well apparently not, my physical therapist says. I actually believe it because every time that I push too hard I hit a set back and it takes me longer to recover and to get back to my steady routine. I was feeling great this morning but since I didn’t give time to my body to rest and repair from yesterday’s therapy, my body is now sore and I’m starting to hurt. I sense a difficult night ahead with mini spasms.

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