Looking for work!

With a clear mind and a strong body, I’m ready to go back to work and hit the ground running! After a good one year break, I am now rested, rejuvenated, motivated and stronger than ever; both physically and emotionally. Recovery has been a process and I finally reached the point where I feel normal again. I want to put my professional skills to good use and take on challenges. I feel ready to assume the responsibilities of an everyday job and pursue my career goals. Working on my resume and starting my job search is very exciting and encouraging. I was a bit at a loss when starting to update my resume so I reached out to Jennifer Cunningham who is a professional resume writer. I highly recommend her services as she is an expert in her field and her positive feedback gave me a lot of confidence. I now have an awesome resume that is the perfect reflexion of my professional self and I’m ready to show it off to employers… Let’s bring home the bacon!

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One Response to Looking for work!

  1. Carole says:

    Good for you! Look out, world, here she comes!

    It will be interesting to be kept up to date on your quest for a new and intriquing position.

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