Moving forward!

Success ahead! I may not be 100% better just yet but I’m good enough to put job searching back at the top of my priority list and go get it. As my physical therapist use to say; everyone hurts a little bit somewhere and most likely even has back pain. There really isn’t such thing as perfectly fit and healthy and if I wait for that moment to come it’ll probably be a good while. Life is full of surprises and I better seize the day while things are looking up. Now that I’ve been off the medication for months, my mind is sharp and clear and ready to face on professional challenges. Honestly I’m a little bored and feel the need to get back to the business world. Let’s face it; my body is stronger than it’s been in years. I have also finally reached the point of recuperating over night after exercising. My fusion has taken and my spine is “bone” solid… nothing can stop me. No more excuses, I’m more than capable, and I’m going to do what it takes!

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