Cabin Fever… gotta get away!

I got the ok to fly from both my physical therapist and my surgeon! They said that it’s time and there is no problem at all for me to get on a plane after 5 months from surgery, especially considering my successful recovery. The first 3 months were kind of slow and more difficult but since I started my physical therapy rehabilitation, I have been doing tremendous progress. I am constantly improving and pushing my limits as well as needing less and less pain medication. So I’m planning an October trip to Québec to visit my family! It’s my stepping stone vacation to recharge before seriously job searching again. I’m making it worthwhile and will stay at my parents new home in Three-Rivers for 3 weeks. It will be a long 12 hour day for me (Austin-Detroit-Québec) and that’s why I thought it through; I’m flying first class, I’m getting the wheelchair service, and my parents will borough my uncle’s minivan so that I can lie down on my back for the 1 hour trip from the airport to their house. I know that it will be an exhausting trip and most likely uncomfortable but it is also a full 3 weeks from now and I know that I will be even stronger by then. I will have almost reached my 6 month mark which means that the fusion should be complete. I feel very good about this and I have been so happy since I bought my plane ticket!

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