Not “just” a workshop!

I am so exhausted… but in a good way! I really enjoyed my first Pilates experience but I think that I discovered bits and pieces of my body that I was not aware of before; I’m sore all over. The Pilates workshop was pretty intense; it wasn’t just a workshop, it was a workout!  I think I may have pushed it a little too far for the first time. My physical therapist had told me that at this point I have no limitation and that I can do anything that I want. On the other hand, she also warned me to take it slow by trying a few new movements at the time and see how it feels later. I need to be aware that if there’s soreness that’s fine but if there’s pain that means it’s too much, too quick, and tonight I have pain in my tailbone area. Since I’ve been getting stronger, I tend to get into the moment and when I see how much I am actually capable of doing I get excited and just go for it. I’m pretty sure that I know which exercise did the damage and I will try to avoid that one next time. Right now I’m going to soak in a bubble bath and decompress!

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One Response to Not “just” a workshop!

  1. sophie says:

    Dear Lili d’amour,
    ce soir, j’ai lu tout ton blog depuis le début de ton histoire…. quelle évolution ! Congradulations ! À travers les mois, on peut lire toute la force, physique et surtout mentale, que tu du faire preuve. Je suis convaincue que tu aides un grand nombre de personnes à travers ce blog, et moi la première. Te lire donne espoire. Je suis fière que ce blog soit écrit par ma grande cousine et moi aussi, je te considère comme MA grande soeur. Plus on vieillit, plus on se ressemble et on se rapproche, malgré la distance.
    N’oublie pas d’y aller tranquillement et de respecter ton corps. Quand il te parle, il faut l’écouter, car il connait le chemin à suivre pour une bonne guérsion.
    I love you so much. Tu es MA source d’inspiration. Bravo cousine !
    Sophie xxx

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